28.2.39 __builtin_edsoffset


dsPIC33C/E/F, dsPIC30


Returns the eds page offset of the object whose address is given as a parameter. The argument p must be the address of an object in an Extended Data Space (EDS); otherwise an error message is produced and the compilation fails. See the space attribute in Variable Attributes.


uint16_t __builtin_edsoffset(const void *p);


p – literal address of an object

Return Value

Returns the eds page number offset of the object whose address is given as a parameter.

Assembler Operator


Error Messages

The following error message is produced when this function is used incorrectly:

“Argument to __builtin_edsoffset() is not the address of an object in extended data space.”

The argument must be an explicit object address.

For example, if obj is object in an executable or read-only section, the following syntax is valid:

uint16_t page = __builtin_edsoffset(&obj);