12.4.9 Multi-Mode Interrupt Identification Register (IIM)

Table 12-16. IIM
Bits Name R/W Reset Value Description
[7:5] Reserved Clean on R 0 Software must not rely on the value of a reserved bit. To provide compatibility with future products, the value of a reserved bit must be preserved across a read-modify-write operation.
4 LINSI Clean on R 0 LIN sync detection interrupt ID. This bit is set when 5th falling edge is detected by the sync timer. It resets the FIFO address pointers so that PID will be in the first location. Reading the Table 12-16 register clears this interrupt.
3 LINBI Clean on R 0 LIN break interrupt, set automatically when break length of 11.5 Tbits is detected. Reading the Table 12-16 register clears this interrupt.
2 PID_PEI Clean on R 0 Protected Identifier Field (PID) parity error interrupt is generated when there is a mismatch in PID in LIN header, that is, when either the P0 or P1 bits in the incoming PID byte do not match the calculated P0 and P1 error.
1 NACKI Clean on R 0 NACK interrupt is asserted when EERR bit is set in Table 12-24. Reading the Table 12-24 clears the interrupt.
0 RTOII Clean on R 0 Receiver Time Out (RTO) interrupt ID. RTO interrupt is asserted when RTO value is reached by the counter. It gets cleared when writing to the RTO register.