12.4.16 Multi-Mode Control Register 1 (MM1)
Bit Number | Name | R/W | Default State | Description |
[7:6] | Reserved | R/W | 0 | Software should not rely on the value of a reserved bit. To provide compatibility with future products, the value of a reserved bit should be preserved across a read-modify-write operation. |
5 | EITP | R/W | 0 | Output pulse width for RZI mod can be
modified using this bit. 0: 3/16th Tbit pulse width (default) 1: 1/4th Tbit pulse width |
4 | EITX | R/W | 0 | You can configure output polarity for RZI modulation. 0: RZI output pulses are active Low and signify a low NRZ value (default). 1: RZI output pulses are active High and signify a high NRZ value. |
3 | EIRX | R/W | 0 | You can configure input polarity for RZI demodulation. 0: RZI input pulses are active Low, signifying a low NRZ value (default). 1: RZI input pulses are active High, signifying a high NRZ value. |
2 | EIRD | R/W | 0 | Enables RZI modulation/demodulation. 0: Disabled (default) 1: Enabled |
1 | E_MSB_TX | R/W | 0 | LSB or MSB can be sent first by configuring
this bit. By default, the Table 12-6 bit 0 is the LSB and is the first transmitted bit. Bit 0 of
the THR may be configured as the last transmitted bit, MSB. 0: THR's bit 0 is the first transmitted bit, LSB (default). 1: THR's bit 0 is the last transmitted bit, MSB. |
0 | E_MSB_RX | R/W | 0 | LSB or MSB can be received first by configuring this bit. By default, the receiver buffer register's (Table 12-5) bit 0 is the LSB, and is the first received bit. Bit 0 of the Table 12-5 may be configured as the last received bit, MSB. 0: RBR's bit 0 is the first received bit, LSB (default). 1: RBR's bit 0 is the last received bit, MSB. |