12.4.7 Multi-Mode Interrupt Enable Register (IEM)

Table 12-13. IEM
Bit Number Name R/W Reset Value Description
[7:5] Reserved R/W 0 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved bit. To provide compatibility with future products, the value of a reserved bit should be preserved across a read-modify-write operation.
4 ELINSI R/W 0 Enables the LIN sync detection interrupt

0: Disabled (default)

1: Enabled

3 ELINBI R/W 0 Enables LIN break interrupt

0: Disabled (default)

1: Enabled

2 EPID_PEI R/W 0 Enables PID parity error interrupt

0: Disabled (default)

1: Enabled

1 ENACKI R/W 0 Enables NACK interrupt

0: Disabled (default)

1: Enabled

0 ERTOI R/W 0 Enables receiver timeout interrupt

0: Disabled (default)

1: Enabled