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Acronyms and Abbreviations
2 Configuration Summary
5 Pinout and Signal Descriptions List
8 Product Memory Mapping Overview
43.1 Absolute Maximum Electrical Characteristics
43.2 DC Electrical Characteristics
43.3 Thermal Specifications
43.4 Power Supply Electrical Specifications
43.5 Active Current Consumption DC Electrical Specifications (85°C)
43.6 Active Current Consumption DC Electrical Specifications (125°C)
43.7 Idle Current Consumption DC Electrical Specifications (85°C)
43.8 Idle Current Consumption DC Electrical Specifications (125°C)
43.9 Sleep Current Consumption DC Electrical Specifications (85°C)
43.10 Sleep Current Consumption DC Electrical Specifications (125°C)
43.11 Deep Sleep Current Consumption DC Electrical Specifications (85°C)
43.12 Deep Sleep Current Consumption DC Electrical Specifications (125°C)
43.13 XDS (Extreme Deep Sleep) Current Consumption DC Electrical Specifications (85°C)
43.14 XDS (Extreme Deep Sleep) Current Consumption DC Electrical Specifications (125°C)
43.15 Wake-Up Timing from Low Power Modes AC Electrical Specifications
43.16 I/O PIN AC/DC Electrical Specifications
43.17 External XTAL and Clock AC Electrical Specifications
43.18 XOSC32 AC Electrical Specifications
43.19 Low Power Internal 32 kHz RC Oscillator AC Electrical Specifications
43.20 FRC AC Electrical Specifications
43.21 Frequency AC Electrical Specifications
43.22 ADC Electrical Specifications
43.23 Comparator AC Electrical Specifications
43.24 SPI Module Electrical Specifications
43.25 UART AC Electrical Specifications
43.26 I2C Module Electrical Specifications
43.27 QSPI Module Electrical Specifications
43.28 TCx Timer Capture Module AC Electrical Specifications
43.29 TCCx Timer Capture Module AC Electrical Specifications
43.30 FLASH NVM AC Electrical Specifications
43.31 Frequency Meter AC Electrical Specifications
43.32 Bluetooth® Low Energy RF Characteristics
43.33 Zigbee RF Characteristics
46 Appendix B: Acronyms and Abbreviations
47 Document Revision History

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