21.5.86 MDDR IO Calibration Status Register

Bit Number Name Reset Value Description
[31:15] Reserved 0
14 CALIB_PCOMP 0x1 State of the P analog comparator
13 CALIB_NCOMP 0x1 State of the N analog comparator
[12:6] CALIB_PCODE 0x3F Current PCODE value set on the MDDR DDR I/O bank
[5:1] CALIB_NCODE 0x3F Current NCODE value set on the MDDR DDR I/O bank
0 CALIB_STATUS 0 1 when the codes are actually locked. For the first run after reset, this would be asserted 1 cycle after CALIB_INTRPT. For in-between runs, this would be asserted only when the DRAM is put into self-refresh or there is an override from the firmware (CALIB_LOCK).