21.5.29 MDDR I/O Calibration Control Register

Table 21-35. MDDR_IO_CALIB_CR
Bit Number Name Reset Value Description
[31:15] Reserved 0
14 CALIB_LOCK 0 Used in the DDRIO calibration block as an override to lock the codes during intermediate runs. When the firmware receives CALIB_INTRPT, it may choose to assert this signal by prior knowledge of the traffic without going through the process of putting the DDR into self refresh. This bit is only read/write.
13 CALIB_START 0 Used in the DDRIO calibration block and indicates that rerun of the calibration state machine is required.
12 CALIB_TRIM Used in the DDRIO calibration block and indicates the override of the calibration value from the PC code/programmed code values.
[11:6] NCODE 0 Used in the DDRIO calibration block and indicates DPC override NCODE from flash. This can also be overwritten from the firmware.
[5:0] PCODE 0 Used in the DDRIO calibration block and indicates PC override PODE from flash. This can also be overwritten from the firmware.