21.5.95 Fabric Protected Base Address Register

Table 21-104. FAB_PROT_BASE
Bit Number Name Reset Value Description
[31:0] SW_PROTREGIONBASE 0 The base address of the memory region inaccessible to the FPGA fabric master is determined by the value of this bus. Bit 0 of this bus is defined as SW_PROTREGIONENABLE. This has the following meaning:

0: Protected region not enabled. This means that a master in the FPGA fabric may access any location in the memory map, as long as the fabric master port is enabled.

1: Protected region enabled. Any accesses attempted by a fabric master to this region of memory return an error in the bus transaction.

Bits [31:N] of this bus indicate the base address of the protected region.

The value of N depends on the protected region size, so that the base address is aligned according to an even multiple of region size. The power of 2 size specified by SW_PROTREGIONSIZE[4:0] defines how many bits of base address are used. For example, if the SW_PROTREGIONSIZE[4:0] is 01111, this corresponds to a protected region of 64 KB. 64 KB is 2 to the power of 16. Therefore, the value of N in this case is 16. So the base address of the region, in this case, is specified by SW_PROTREGIONBASE[31:16].